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About Moris Gigs

Get a personalized video from your favorite celebrity across the globe. For the first time enjoy a rich line-up of Hollywood and bollywood celebrities

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Our Vision

Provide artists fame and respect by creating rewarding opportunities worldwide.

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Our Mission

Connecting unprecedented talents and talent seekers. Make them productive and successful

Who we are?

Morris Gigs is a joint platform where you can receive personalized video messages from none other than your favourite celebs. We empower conversations which were beyond reach in the past. Book tailored messages for your friend’s 20th birthday or heartfelt wishes for your 1st anniversary. With a long list of over 700 celebrities, it may take 1 to 7 days to get your first personalized video but Hey, good things take time! Gone are the Old selfies days. Now Book your first celebrity shoutout video with Morris Gigs Today!

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